
Tuesday 4 December 2012

Anything High Hopes!

It's a nice easy challenge this week at High Hopes ...
Anything High Hopes!
So no excuses not to get your High Hopes stamps out and play along for a chance to win a new stamp of your choice!

I bought this bottle for my friend's birthday, so thought I'd have a go at making a fancy bottle tag .... look at me, getting all adventurous in my old age :)
By the way, my friend loved her bottle tag and put in a request for 7 more of the same :o)

I've used Drink Lemonade (but I think my friend would much rather have a wee drink of vodka and coke LOL) and teamed it with the alphabet from Paper Smooches.
I've also another first for me on this tag ... washi tape.  I think I'm gonna need a whole pile more of these, I love it!!

Other challenges:
Tuesday Alchemy #43 - anything but a card
Casual Friday CFC80 - gift tag
Simon Says Stamp - anything goes
The Corrosive challenge #163 - anything goes


  1. How cute is this drink tag!! Super idea! Thanks for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays this week!

  2. Such a fun tag and perfect for a bottle of booze! Thanks for joining us for the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!

  3. Hi Lynne chum these Bottle Tags are fabulous and loving your H/Hopes images as always great make, not surprised you friend wanted more ( the Tags not the Vodka :)
    Thanks for your lovely comments and for popping by are you all set for Christmas I'm getting there I think :)
    you have a super weekend.
    Lots Hugs Sarah x

  4. Great idea!! Thank you for joining Tuesday Alchemy!


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Your comments are much appreciated!
Lynne :)