
Sunday 16 December 2012

LOTV Tea Party

I'm still in last minute rush mode ... I promise myself every year that next year will be different.  Maybe next year I'll achieve it!

Colour theme from The Play Date Cafe PDCC161
Layout from MFT Sketch Challenge MFTWSC102
Crafts 4 Eternity R#102 - blingtastic
Lils Little Fairies - something new (my pretty pink twine)


  1. Sweet card! Great take on the sketch! Thanks for playing at The Play Date Cafe.

  2. Lol... Lynne you just sound like me.. but I think I'm more behind than you chum as I'm a lot older, and you start to get slower with age teehee' well I do... :)
    This card is fabulous and image is so cute great colouring too.....
    Lots Hugs Sarah x

  3. Thank-you for sharing your fabulous project with us at Crafts 4 Eternity this week :)


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Lynne :)