
Monday 16 March 2020

Rockin Robins

I'm a bit behind in my Christmas makes this year, this is Number 3, I'll need to have a better output rate than 1 per month!  I won this Clearly Besotted set a while back and thought I'd get some ink on it.  I'm sure I have some red glitter somewhere, so I'll have to hoke it out, it would have looked better with my red sparkly card.  Actually now I think about it, I could have paper pieced their bellies!

Daily Marker 30 day colouring challenge


  1. This is so adorable! Love the little birdies. (There's always E & G this month if you need to get more Christmas cards done!) Thanks for joining us at ABC Christmas Challenge!

  2. Your card is just too cute! I love your glitter-bellied birdies, dancing their way to Christmas. I've been rather lax, too, on getting Christmas cards made. Maybe while we're all self-quarantining and social-distancing here in the U.S.A., I can work on a few.

  3. LOL...fab card Lynne I really like those Rockin' Robins and this is a fab design xx

  4. Such darling little birdies on your adorable card. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. Please stop by again soon. May God keep you safe, happy and healthy.
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  5. These little robins are so cute! I absolutely love their sparkly red bellies - very festive! I hope all is well with you and yours.

    love Mags B x

  6. Such a gorgeous card. Thanks for playing along with us at ABC Christmas Challenge. Looking forward to seeing your creative projects in the future galleries again.


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Lynne :)