
Thursday 17 June 2021

Card for Aunt Jean

 Hi All!  I'm still struggling with my mojo but needed to make a card for my Auntie and also wanted to make a card for Pixie's Snippets Playground challenge as it's a Ruby's Memory one - more details below.  I was lucky to get some new crafty goodies for my birthday so it was a good excuse to get them inky.  This is a new-to-me brand, Honey Doo Crafts - I wasn't sure what colour to do it so I went for the lot and just coloured it to match this scrap of fancy DP...

I added gloss to the cherry, glitter to the little sweetie balls, and sparkle to the icing, and a few inky splatters to the background.

Layout from Freshly Made Sketches #490 (though now I look at it again maybe my image is a tad too big!)

Crafty Hazelnuts patterned paper challenge June 2021

Word Art Wednesday #495-496 anything goes

Pixies Snippets Playground challenge #405 - every 3rd challenge the lovely Di hosts it in memory of our beloved Ruby, I can hardly believe she is gone 6 months now!  She is thought of and missed every day.  Di makes a donation to USPCA for this challenge as it's thanks to them Ruby came into our lives and the lovely playmates donate a prize - Val and Viv have fab goodies up for grabs and all you have to do to play along is to use up one of those scraps of paper on your desk!

I've had a busy week off work, managed to get out to an actual restaurant for my birthday lunch, got some gardening done and pots and baskets planted, started painting the fence, and a wee outing on the train with mum to Portrush.  The water was lovely but sooooo cold, we braved a paddle and I don't know how anyone goes swimming in the Atlantic Ocean without having instant heart failure!! (If you zoom in you might see the pile of surfers, the waves were fab!)


  1. I LOVE your card and the way you've colored it. I have an Aunt Jean, too. In fact, I stopped to visit with her and take her out to lunch a couple of weeks ago when we went to a wedding in a neighboring state (the wedding wasn't far from my Aunt's home). It was so good to see her, as she is getting on in years and lives alone (my uncle passed away last year). I send her lots of cards, so I am taking the inspiration from your card to make another one for her. Glad you had a good week off work. And that sea water definitely looks cold! Brrrr.

  2. I'll be back to comment on your card sweetie - just spotted your comment on the Playground. We suspect that Dudley won't be a water baby either - and will scamper if he gets near a wave. So hard to believe it's over six months since Ruby passed - her memory always lives on though.

    Love and hugs

    Di xx

  3. What a fabulous image and your colouring is stunning nice thought with the glossy essence to the cherry 🍒 your card is gorgeous x

  4. Oh this is one fabulous cupcake! I'd like to meet that in real life!!! Love the plaid paper and the pretty colours! I'm sure your Aunt will love it! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  5. I had an Aunt Jean too! What fun! This card looks good enough to eat! Love it, and I’m sure your Aunt will treasure it. Thanks for sharing, and hope your MoJo returns soon! Hugs…!

  6. What a gorgeous cupcake for Aunt Jean, bet she loved it!! Gosh, those six months have flown by Lynne but it's lovely to have a reminder over at the playground. Belated birthday wishes, it sounds like you had a good week xx

  7. Hi Lynne first may I wish you a belated Happy Birthday and secondly I love your card that cake image is delicious looking especially with the colours you have sued the papers are a perfect backdrop, super card. Lynne due to my absence from blogland I did not know that Ruby had gone I know how you feel I still remember my previous dogs on a daily basis Jess will be nine years old in September I just don't know where the time goes.
    Take care
    lorraine x

  8. This is such a fabulous image!! I love the plaid in the background and how you've colored the cupcake to match. Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  9. What a lovely and yummy cupcake! I love the pastel color plaid DSP you use for the vertical strip. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week.

  10. First word that came to mind: YUM!

  11. I do so love this cupcake card Lynne - made me want to lick the laptop screen! As I said in a previous comment, so hard to believe it's now six months since Ruby went from you. Now this challenge has closed it's time for me to do a fourth transfer to USPCA once I get a moment - that will make it £100 we've raised in the Playground.


    Di xx


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Your comments are much appreciated!
Lynne :)