
Saturday 1 April 2023

Pastel birthday

Happy April!  Hopefully a drier month than March, it felt like it rained almost every single day!  Our garden is a sodden mess, I'd love to get out and get weeding and planting but it would need a few dry days first!
Anyway, I'm here this evening with another cutie from the set I bought from Creative Depot and the stencil is from them also.  Coloured with polychromos and clear sparkle added to her hat band and the flower centre.

The stencilling didn't show up great in the photo, so here's a different angle...

Layout from MFT Sketch Challenge 639
Colour theme MFT Colour Challenge #208
Fab'n Funky #569 - lots of layers


  1. Adorable image, beautiful colouring and design, the subtle stencilling is really lovely. Thanks for joining in at Fab'n' Funky

  2. You've created a darling card! I love your pastel colors and sweet image. The circle frame adds a lovely touch, too. Speaking of wet weather, we had rain all day yesterday and it turned into a blizzard at about 9 p.m. It snowed all night long and in the morning we had 6-8" of wet, HEAVY snow. So many trees broke or lost rather large branches because of the weight of it. In fact, we lost electricity until mid-afternoon because a tree and/or branches had fallen on some wires in our neighborhood. Spring, please come to Minnesota!!

  3. She is so sweet! What a cute card, dear friend. Hope all is well - it’s been crazy here. Hubby has a biopsy Tuesday, so we will know more later next week. Sorry I’ve been MIA! Hugs…thanks for sharing!

  4. Beautiful card your image is adorable l love that die cut that you framed her in x

  5. Oh my word she is GORGEOUS!! i hope you have a lovely Easter weekend and that the weather is kind to you xx


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Lynne :)