Friday 27 December 2013

My Favourite 5 Christmas Creations

It's that time of year again for Debby's annual Favourite 5 Christmas cards linkup!
(I think most of the Christmas cards I made this year featured the new release stamps from High Hopes!)

This image - Dogs Trio Block from High Hopes - was perfect for a card for my doggy-lovin friend!
More details here

The only stamp on this one is the sentiment (Stampin' Up), and meant this layout was perfect for a quick mass production for all my family cards - made as a last minute rush as usual ;)
More details here

Another fun stamp from High Hopes ... Downhill Snowy
More details here

My favouritest snowman EVER ... Portrait Snowy (again from High Hopes)
More details here

Snowy again from High Hopes ... this time as a gift tag
I gave some of these away, so along with my own pressies, I reckon I must have made over 40 of these tags ... mostly when I was sitting watching telly!
More details here


Patti J said...

All are simply adorable, Lynne! Hope you and Greg and your mum had a wonderful Christmas! Hugs...

Jackie said...

Fantastic favourite five selection, I love all of them :o)
Jackie xx

Dotty Jo said...

Lovely! Jo x BTW, that sentiment you asked about is part of a Personal Impressions set which I think is called 'tis the season.

Karen P said...

A gorgeous collection of Favourite Five's, the snowman is gorgeous and I love your tags - fabulous idea will have to try to remember that one! I'm being nosy and looking at what other crafters have posted for Favourite Five hugs Karen P x

misteejay said...

Such lovely creations. That snowman image is fabulous and I can't decide which I like best...the card or the tags.

Toni xx

sallysbitz2 said...

Smashing selection of your creations.

I do hope you had a fab Christmas & that 2014 brings you everything you wish for x

hugs sally x

coops said...

all so gorgeous lynne.your designs and images are stunning :D

xx coops xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful choices Lynne, not easy to narrow them down to just a few is it? Happy New Year to you.


debby4000 said...

Oh these are so adorable and gorgeous too.
Many thanks for joining my Favourite Five Christmas cards.